COVID-19 Statement

Our Thunder Creek Pork Inc. Family and Community,

As COVID-19 cases continue to rise in many Canadian communities, we are consistently expanding our efforts to keep our employees and visitors protected, while continuing to keep the food supply chain moving.  Canada and the world continues to deal with the resulting high human and economic impact; and our thoughts and sympathy goes out to all of those who have been and those continuing to be impacted by the virus.  As we continue to learn on how to deal with COVID-19 in all aspects of our daily lives, safety protocols have now become part of our daily routines.  All individuals and businesses must adhere to COVID-19 safety measures to help limit the impact of the COVID-19 resurgence.      

Employee and Food Safety continues to be our highest priority and guides us in everything we do.  Since the beginning of the pandemic, Thunder Creek Pork has implemented comprehensive COVID-19 prevention efforts, while strictly adhering to food safety standards and guidelines. Our efforts to protect our employees have included:

  • Enforcing social distancing where possible, including divider, staggered breaks and additional break areas.
  • Temperature checks and daily health questionnaires for all employees and visitors to our plants           
  • Strengthening and reinforcing existing Sanitation, GMP and Hygiene Practices
  • Ensuring the availability of alcohol-based hand sanitizers throughout the facility
  • Providing and mandating the use of face masks for all employees and visitors.
  • Weekly COVID-19 Information Sessions and Q&As to our team members
  • Cancelling all non-essential business travel and limiting inter-facility travel
  • Prohibiting the access of non-essential visitors and contractors to our plants
  • Reinforcing the Health Canada travel and self- quarantine protocols

These unprecedented times have highlighted the importance of maintaining a healthy Canadian food production industry and ensuring the safety of our food supply chain. For almost 10 years, Thunder Creek Pork has provided an excellence in food production, focused on the health and safety of our team members, partners and customers with an unwavering commitment to food safety. As we navigate the changing tides of this pandemic, Thunder Creek Pork will maintain its strong commitment to the health and safety of our team members, their families, producers and suppliers, customers, and our community, while maintaining an essential service of keeping the food supply chain moving during these challenging times.

Community Support. We are only as strong as the community we live and work in. Thunder Creek Pork has always supported our local hospitals and charities; however, the need to help has never been greater than in 2020.  During these difficult times, we have focused on those most in need – donating to the local food bank, distributing face masks to the most vulnerable, and providing monetary donations to our local hospital to support our front line caregivers.

We will continue to follow the guidance of and cooperate with Saskatchewan Health Authority, Medical Health Office, Public Health Canada, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, provincial Health Authorities and Occupational Health and Safety, and to implement recommendations as new information becomes available.

We thank our team of essential workers who have adapted to change while keeping our operations running safely, our customers and suppliers who have supported us, and we extend our deepest gratitude to the front line workers around the world who are working tirelessly and with sacrifice. We recognize these are challenging times for everyone and genuinely thank you for your continued support.

Sincerely, The Thunder Creek Pork Inc. Team